Later, I Shall Eat Pie!
I am so excited to be talking about all things Pie, --yes, I said Pie in this episode with my...
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By Mary
/ April 25, 2019
Later, I Shall Eat Pie!
I am so excited to be talking about all things Pie, --yes, I said Pie in this episode with my guest will Cristen Clark, an Iowa farmer, an Iowa Food and Family Project, contributor, a skillful baker whose Harvest Pear Pie brought $3,000 for the Blue Ribbon Foundation at the Iowa State Fair and a Cooking and Baking Contest Judge, just to name a few of her talents. Listen to my interview and learn how to make the perfect crust from this Queen of Pie and get links to her favorite pie recipes. Cristen @ FoodandSwine.Com Hi! My name is Cristen, and I’m an Iowa farmer. In my family, we raise corn, soybeans, pigs, and cattle. I love cooking and writing, and sharing contest winning recipes with people I know. Memories made in the kitchen, are some of the most vivid memories I have, and certainly the most treasured. I started this blog to share the recipes straight from my family cookbook and moments on our farm in Iowa. You’ll find heirloom recipes, recipes I’ve entered and won money with, in cooking and baking contests, and plenty more than just taste dang good. I am a mom of two, a daughter who loves pigs and basketball, and a son who loves tractors and… tractors. He gets that nowhere strange as I, too, love big tractors. I can’t live without mascara, leather work gloves, and Nike crew socks. I survive on two eggs, over hard with two slices of bacon for breakfast, and the sports page every morning of my life. https://foodandswine.com/food/ Things I’m doing now:Pork Be Inspired, guest blog hostAnderson Erickson Dairy, brand ambassadorCommon Ground Iowa, VolunteerIowa Food and Family Project, contributorIowa Pork ProducersSocial Media Task Committee: National Pork BoardCooking and Baking Contest JudgeSpeaker and ConsultantFastpitch Softball Pitching Instructor*Iowa Egg...
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Welcome to my blog! I am an Iowa Farm girl who aspires to write a cookbook featuring vintage and favorite recipes from my family and friends. I'd like to bring you the art of cooking like your mother, grandmother, or whoever is your cooking inspiration. Keep it simple and enjoy! --Mary Food Blogger, Travel Writer, Photographer, Computer Geek, & Gardener
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